Movement Helps Kids Sit Still: Workbook, Audit and Games

Movement Helps Kids Sit Still: Workbook, Audit and Games


How can it be that movement helps kids sit still? It seems like a contradiction, right? Especially when I tell you that I do NOT mean running them to get their ya-yas out so they can sit still and behave.

What can you do during the school day to help them get active?  How can you be sure you are doing enough?  This workbook and audit will help you hone in on where the weaknesses lie (and with whom) and how to analyze and then leverage your schedule to fold in more activity.


How can it be that movement helps kids sit still? It seems like a contradiction, right? Especially when I tell you that I do NOT mean running them to get their ya-yas out so they can sit still and behave.

Nope. Don’t mean that at all. Instead, I mean that movement is essential in building the skills and strengths children need to find stillness in their minds and bodies.

In our uber competitive culture, there is immense pressure to succeed, where success is measured by academic milestones.  And when this sit-at-a-desk academic focus takes precedence over the traditional pathways of learning, we push out the physicality part our brains need to become wired for success.

Basically, we have forgotten that children’s bodies are hardwired exactly the same today as children from the ‘70’s, the ‘50’s and even caveman days.

Children are still learning their bodies at the same rate and pace as previous generations. Yet today, when we ask them to sit to learn too early, we are asking their brains to do things they are not equipped to do.

Their bodies have not finished learning about space, rhythm, and direction.  We are asking them to perform at a higher academic level when they haven’t even figured out where their bodies end and begin and how to move their bodies with control.

In more concrete terms, think about this: we come into this world moving.  We are not born reading, writing or speaking – simply moving – because moving is the foundation for all other learning.

So what is the answer?  In my world, we call it big body play

Kids need movement to sit still!

What can you do during the school day to help them get active?  How can you be sure you are doing enough?  This workbook and audit will help you hone in on where the weaknesses lie (and with whom) and how to analyze and then leverage your schedule to fold in more activity.


  • A 9 minute video guide with tips to get kids moving in and out of the classroom
  • A workbook to help assess vestibular and proprioceptive weaknesses
  • An Audit to help you find time for more moving
  • Lesson Plans with 6 games


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