
Topic 3: Defining Physical Literacy


Physical literacy is the ability, confidence and desire to be physically active for life. There is certainly no better time to foster physical literacy than childhood, when movement, big body play and lots of high energy activity is what children crave and naturally gravitate towards. Securing that love of movement will come hand in hand with building the strengths and skills to build confidence in their abilities and fuel a desire to move more. A physical literacy feedback loop designed for long term activity.

Keep in mind, physical literacy is much like reading or math literacy: we gain a skill, we gain confidence in that skill which fuels a desire to further hone the skill or search out new skills to build on the first skill.   When it comes to physical literacy, humans gain fundamental locomotor movement patterns in early childhood and the more we are given the opportunity to use those skills, the more confidence we gain in them. As we develop confidence in those skills, we begin to push our skill level higher, master new skills beginning the process of securing physical literacy.