
Topic 5: Your Lesson Plans and How to Use Them

Your lesson plans come with all the tools you need to plan your program. from reference sheets to help you secure the equipment you will need to a list of the strengths and skills each activity or game is focused on. The lesson plans are also grouped for ease of use so that you can carry as little equipment as possible to your destination or make the most out of transitions, we have already tested what works best and have shared it with you. Each lesson plan comes in the same format and uses the following terms:

Starting Position

Once you have established what your starting position is going to be, classroom management becomes much easier. Starting Position can be:

  • A line on the floor (one you create out of tape, a seam in the linoleum or concrete sidewalk)
  • A row of spots or pieces of tape you have placed on the floor
  • A wall that can accommodate all the children
  • Hula hoops laid out on the floor

No matter what you choose as your Starting Position, it might be different in each facility or outdoor space in which you teach, and it might be different based on the children. We have been teaching in one school for years that had the perfect wall, so we would tell the children to put their backs against the wall and we would then give directions for the activity. Until one year, when that just wasn’t going to work. The personalities with one group of children made our tried and true backs-against-the-wall impossible, so we moved to placing spots on the floor, almost a foot apart, to help them with self-control.

When I Say Go

This is one of the most valuable tools you have because it tells the children exactly what you want and when you want it.

  • “When I say go you are going to hop across the room like a kangaroo. GO!”
  • “When I say go, you are going to use the balls to knock down the cones. When you are throwing the ball, you are going to roll it like you are bowling and you are going to make sure you don’t go past this line. GO!”
  • “When I say go, everyone is going to be it. Everyone will get to tag anyone they see. If you are tagged, you will do three jumping jacks and then you get to start taggin again. GO!”
  • “When I say go, everyone is going to come out here and pick up balls and put them in my big bag. GO!”

Clean Up

  • Builds class community
  • Helps build and practice many strengths and skills